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Monday, June 11, 2012

June Longweekend Camping and Global Warming.

Thanks family and friends for such a great weekend, camping, chatting, being rev heads, getting to know each other and lots and lots of fun and laughing.

SATURDAY (By CHRIS): After lots of packing and planning four families (Pudneys, Hannas, Wuttkes, Schrapels) headed to a patch of scrub on a farm near Manumn that the very kind owners (Roger and Di) had let us use for a quick camp. After setting up campers and tents, the bikes, quads and buggies were finally unloaded, a quick JSA (Safety First!) completed and it was time for "Gentlemen Start Your Engines!". Many many laps or the area made some great tracks and refined all the essential rev head skills. Thanks also to all our many various visitors who helped make our day so enjoyable, Platts, Pickards, O'Callahans, Daishs, Bradtkes, Zwecks.
We were blessed with amazing weather, so when Saturday Night finally rolled around we had a great time sitting around a great fire, and had a lot of trouble going to bed.

A few pics of the day below and click here for map link of where we were:
Kids + (Quads + Bikes) x Bush tracks = Fun Squared
Some of our special visitors...

... more visitors (Belinda, Jody).

Trudy and Ryan - and visitors.

The Wuttke Buggy - Go Miky.

Trudy and Belinda (the sisters) with a great sunset - great photo Josh

SUNDAY (By RYAN): Sunday was a day with many different things. When we got up, all the kids were busting to use the motorbikes again but they waited patiently until all the adults were up. Through out the day, the parents chatted and sat by the fire while the kids took in turns on the quad bikes. In the afternoon we took all the families for a drive too see one of Rogers blocks of land by the river right in Manumn. Once everyone had a good look around, we went and visited Roger and Di at their dairy. While we were there he gave us a tour inside the milking area (the kids were not in there for long because of the smell). Also, around the dairy to see the baby calf's and some of the many cats that wandered around. After we got some fresh milk and said goodbye, we drove back to our camp and when we got there we found the Zweck family dropping of Sam so that he could enjoy a night here. He was exited and jumped strait on one of the motorbikes! the rest of the afternoon went quickly but after dinner we had quite a surprise when Roger and Caylo came driving down the path in a HUGE tractor to drop off some firewood for us. The path was too thin for the tractor but he didn't mind knocking down a few trees along the way! the piece of wood was enormous and it was definataly the biggest anyone had ever had on a campfire (but he even asked if we wanted anymore wood!) with the new surprise too our fire, we all stayed up and enjoyed the warmth. everyone agreed that this fire would burn till next sunday and joked that it could be the cause of global warming.

At the dairy (who doesnt like the smell)?

Roger milking some of his 450 cows, hard work!

Baby calf, very cute.

No one wants to stop, even when its dusty or the suns going down.

The biggest campfire log ever! - what a laugh - but Warm!
Monday (By Trudy): - still to come...hopefully later today or tomorrow.

Thanks again and as always -  Take Care and Stay Warm !

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