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Monday, July 19, 2010

KIDS UPDATE - Day 61-63 - Derby to Middle Lagoon to Cape Leveque

Day 61 (Friday 16/7) Derby to Middle Lagoon (North of Broome)Press here for map link
On Friday we played in the trees and packed up camper then went for a drive to the worf at low tide, it was very high off the ground. We started driving again and had a snack at a roadhouse, then on to Middle Lagoon on the 4 wheel drive dirt road with lots of mud. It was lots of fun but my eye hurt. On the way we stopped at Beagle Bay there was a church with lots of peal shells on the alter. At Middle Lagoon we setup the camper and then played on the beach, the kids got a Orange Crush drink and the adults had wine. When the sun went down we left the beach.
A great tree to climb and eat breakfast in

At the roadhouse with lots of distance signs

More mud

Very pretty church

Having fun on the beach at sunset
Day 62 (Saturday 17/7) A beautiful day at the beach (Middle Lagoon)Press here for map link
In the morning I made pancakes for breakfast then quickly got ready to go to the rock pools at low tide .The rock pools was filled with coral, crabs, clam shells, slugs, fish, shells and pearls .The clams were squirting us with water when we walked near them. We collected lots of shells and pearls then went back to camp for lunch. After lunch Ryan, Amy and I went down to the beach to try fishing and swimming, we had a great afternoon playing at the beach. Later Mum and Dad came down as well. At dinner time our neighbous gave us some fresh fish that they caught and we had this and Penne Arrabirte (that was hot but yummy). We then had a small fire and went to bed. 
At the rock pools 

 Some coral

 A squirtng clam

More colourful coral

Day 63 (Sunday 18/7) Cape Leveque and Gambanan – Crocodile for dinner - Press here for map link
We packed up the camper trailer and left Middle Lagoon. There was a little café near it in the middle of nowhere called Whale Song Cafe, so we stopped there and got a mango smoothie. When we left there we drove to Cape Leveque and looked around, before driving down to Gambanan, an aboriginal camp. When we was going there we got bogged on a very sandy road while looking for other spots, luckily the Max Trax had us out quickly! At Gambanan we setup the camper trailer and said hello to some of the other campers.
One of the local people there had speared a little crocodile on the beach and we all tried some of its tail for dinner (like chicken/pork and a bit chewy). Then we sat by the fire for ages talking to the local people before going to bed.

view from Whale Song Cafe
Cape Leveque

Finding out about the croc tail (that we had for dinner)

We hope you all had good school holidays as well.
Take care and stay warm , XXxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, Great reading about all you adventures. MMMM Croc tail - sounds great. I have jumped off some big cliffs in my time but looks like you may give me a run for my money! Charlie is doing well - likes being inside most of the time now as it is cold outside.


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